Why You Should Fall In Love With Stress

business meditation

Continuation from yesterday…..(How Care Triggers Stress)

That’s how cunning the mind is. If left unchecked it will destroy you from the inside out. In this particular case, as we become aware of the mind’s inner workings we can begin to understand how desire and care work. How they bring STESS into our realm of consciousness.  Then, by turning them off we can eliminate STRESS from our daily lives.

Investment field presents us with another perfect example.  For instance, you might have done a tremendous amount of research on a company that manufactures guillotines, Guillotine Inc (HEAD) and you believe that their stock price is about to surge. You make an investment and in doing so you project a state of a successful outcome well into the future. You believe, care and desire for this stock to go much higher.  So much so that at least in your mind no other outcome is possible.  Simply put, a different outcome would challenge your intelligence and would turn you into a failure. That is why when the stock or your investment thesis begin to fail, STRESS is not that far behind. As our Jimmy J’s example above so clearly showed.

Again, simple awareness is the answer here.  By being aware of how desire and care bring STRESS into your life, you will be able to avoid them. There are a number of things to consider here.

  1. Be aware of how desire and care work. Watch your thoughts and desires very carefully. While it will take some time, fairly soon you will be able to catch most of them with ease.  What’s more, given enough time you will begin to understand how the mind works and how cunning it can be.
  2. Observe your thoughts, desires and cares. Do not fight them. Do not suppress them. That would actually be counterproductive. Simply observe them and try to understand where they are coming from.
  3. Dissociate yourself from your desires and cares. At the very least do not project them into the future. Shift into the state of NOW and understand that the desires and cares your mind is trying to generate are pointless. They are not real. They are imaginary outcomes.

As you do all of the above, most of your cares and desires will vanish. Taking STRESS associated energies along with them. More importantly, as you continue to carefully watch your thought patterns you will gain a deep understanding of how your mind really works and how it tries to undermine your overall being on the consistent basis.


As crazy as it sound, this approach to STRESS elimination can work miracles. While only a general introduction to the subject matter will be provided, it is a truly powerful way to eliminate all STRESS from your life.

As was suggested earlier, everything in the Universe and its dimensional architecture is made out of energy. As above so is below. That includes your body, mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions and even your beliefs.  Further, different feelings and emotions within your body and mind architecture are represented by this same energy. Technically, there is no difference between fear, anger, stress, jealousy or a million other different emotions or thoughts. They are all represented by one energy field. The difference stems from their rate of vibration within the machines.

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How Care Triggers Stress

How To Avoid Stress

Continuation from last week…..(How Desires Trigger Stress)

What you don’t realize is that most of such desires trigger various STRESS energies within your being.  They do so through a hidden veil of failure. If you think about it, very few of your daily desires come to a fruition.  Perhaps less than 1%.  The rest are associated with failure.

Allow me to illustrate. If a beautiful woman or a handsome man walk by you an automatic desire to possess them will appear in your realm of consciousness. Yet, as it does, your mind will automatically (most of the time) shift into the state of failure by suggesting that you are not …….nice enough, rich enough, good looking enough, successful enough, etc….to be with such a person.  In other words, you own mind will throw your entire being under a bus. Into a bin of failure.

Guess what happens thereafter? That’s right, your mind will go into overdrive by thinking that you need to be MORE successful, make more money, work out more and so forth. All just to be on the “presumed” equal footing with the person you have just desired a few seconds ago. Yet, that desire to be something MORE will bring a tremendous amount of STRESS into your life. Why? Because to your mind, you own being is never good enough. You are always on that treadmill chasing this fad or that idea, without realizing a simple truth.

That your own mind or thought processes are destroying you from the inside out. That desires your mind generates bring a constant state of activity into your realm of consciousness.  And activity and STRESS go hand in hand.  On a flip side, if you are aware of how this entire process works, you would be able to prevent all desires from manifesting within your mind. Leading to a STRESS free existence.

Care: Care for things works in a very similar fashion. Yet, an important distinction should be made first. The care we are talking about has nothing to do with care for your loved ones.  This section concentrates on care for physical things, vested interests and preconceived outcome.

A strong desire for certain things or interests will lead you to care a little too much about certain outcomes.  What happens is, your mind takes most of your desires and project well into the future.  Suggesting that you will be able to achieve them all.  However, that rarely happens. Most desires remain desires as your mind continues to play cunning tricks on your being.  What’s worst, since you care way too much about certain outcomes, when they don’t develop, your mind automatically dumps your entire being into that same bin on failure. Bringing a substantial amount of STRESS along for the ride.

In other words, since you cared way too much about a certain outcomes, when such outcomes are not achieved, STRESS energies enter the picture.

For example, that is one of the primary reasons as to why so few people can lose weight and keep it off.  In essence, they care a little too much about the outcome.  Before they even begin the process, the mind projects the state of success well into the future. Instead of concentrating on the work that needs to be done, their mind concentrates on the final outcome.  An obese woman might begin thinking how she will lose 120 lbs over the next 6 months, buy a red bikini and automatically grab the attention of many good looking men.  She then begins to care a little too much about this particular outcome. With it, her life will be amazing, without it, it will be an absolute failure. A life not worth living.

The problem is, it is incredibly difficult to lose that much weight over such a short period of time. While the first 20 lbs might be easy, the rest of the weight will require an immense effort.  Yet, if she is like most people, her mind will not be ready for it. Remember, her mind had already shifted to the state where success is achieved. It is living in a fantasy world. Yet, when the reality hits and our subject begins to fail in her ambitious pursuit, the mind will immediately shift into the state of failure.  And that will bring massive amounts of STRESS into her life by confirming two things 1. That she is a failure and 2. That she will never be able to have the life that she wants.

That’s how cunning the mind is. If left unchecked it will destroy you from the inside out. In this particular case, as we become aware of the mind inner workings we can begin to understand how desire and care work. How they bring STESS into our realm of consciousness.  Then, by turning them off we can eliminate STRESS from our daily lives.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…..(Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Site?)


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How Desires Trigger Stress


Continuation from yesterday…..(Killing Stress)

When it comes to controlling your STRESS or STRESS associated energies, the state of NOW offers the ultimate solution. STRESS is simply impossible in a fully conscious state of NOW.  Since your mind will not be able to generate STRESS related thoughts, past or future, STRESS will vanish into thin air.

Unfortunately, very few people can be in the state of NOW 24/7. In fact, to attain this level of consciousness, a tremendous amount of work on one’s self is necessary. Enlightenment is a must. In essence, to be fully self aware 24/7 and to be enlightened are the two sides of the same coin.  And since very few people throughout human history had been able to achieve such a state, it might not be an optimal solution for you. Still, by practicing living in the state of NOW on the daily basis, you will be able to collapse your levels of STRESS associated with all aspects of your life to a bare minimum.


Through the daily practice of Exercise #2.  Allocate 30 minutes per day to this practice and follow it religiously. Not only will you be able to minimize STRESS in your life, but little by little you will find yourself living in the state of NOW more and thinking less.  This will cause the thought intensity associated with your negative STRESS energies of the past and the future to go down substantially.  Only to be replaced by positive energies associated with calmness, happiness, bliss and joy.  Yet, don’t expect fast results here. It might take months, if not years, before you feel and see clearly defined results.

Unfortunately, there is no faster alternative. You must do the work.  You mind and your thought processes have been in existence for decades and it will now take some time to rewire your entire being. It won’t be easy, but it is defiantly something worth doing if you want STRESS and STRESS related energies completely out of your life.


Now, only two other hurdles remain on your way to a STRESS free life. Desire and care. When combined, these two psychological traits bring an immense amount of STRESS into your life. The worst part is, you don’t even realize fact. Let’s take a look at them individually first.

Desire: Including desires for material and immaterial things. Typically, human mind works in the following fashion. If you see a good looking man or woman walk by you will immediately desire them. If you see that car of your dreams driving down the road, you will desire it. If you are a regular at a local church, you will desire god and heaven. If you friends are doing better financially, you will desire more money.  And so forth, ad infinitum.

What’s worst, it is highly probable that you don’t even think or realize the fact when your desires appear in your realm of consciousness.  Some come out of nowhere, while others linger within your subconscious for decades.  And while some desires might appear as wholesome and even admirable, others will make even the hardened criminals cringle. If you begin to pay attention and keep track, you will notice that your mind tends to generate hundreds, if not thousands of different desires each day.  Again, showing just how cunning the mind can be.

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Killing Stress

killing stress

Continuation from last week…….Is there a way to prevent this?

Absolutely. You can put a complete stop to all of your past and future thoughts and negative STRESS energies associated with them by…..

1.  Being aware of how your thoughts and your mind work
2.  Shifting your mind to the state of NOW.

If you are fully aware of how your mind constantly stirs up trouble in either the past or the future, by creating imaginary negative scenarios that have no place in the real world, you will be able to stop it with ease. Only your awareness is necessarily.

This awareness of your own negative thoughts and associations will allow you to shift to the state of NOW. The state of NOW is identical to being in the state of Universal Consciousness. When you begin to observe your own thoughts in the state of NOW, something curious happens.  All of your thoughts, positive or negative, come to a complete stop.  Leaving you thoughtless and emotionless.

While many people might dismiss this state as counterproductive, in reality this state of being represents the pinnacle of human existence.  Once this state of being is fully realized, it becomes a beautiful experience far beyond anything available in the physical world.  Allow me to put it this way. The fulfillment of the most desired sexual fantasy or a billion dollar winning lottery ticket in your hand will appear as specks of insignificant sand in comparison to this state of being.  That’s how out of this world it is. You must now try it for yourself….

EXERCISE #2:   As before, find a quiet and preferably dark place where you will not be bothered over the next 30 minutes. Leave your cell phone and all other devices behind. Once again, it is crucial that no one interrupts you over that 30 minute period of time.  Sit down or lie down and get comfortable.  Close your eyes and relax.

In Exercise #1 our primary objective was to observe your own thoughts. It was shown that a 3rd point of reference (outside of your mind and body) is needed in order to observe your own mind/thoughts.  As it would be impossible for the mind to be aware of or to observe itself. We call this 3rd point of reference the real YOU or being in the state of Universal Consciousness.

Now, we will push this one step further. Instead of simply observing your thoughts I want you to stop them entirely. It will not be easy. As a matter of fact, it is incredibly difficult to do. While you might be able to do it for a few minutes at a time you will find that your thoughts tend to come out of nowhere and pollute your state of higher consciousness continuously. In other words, you might be able to stop your thoughts for 45 seconds followed by a number of random thoughts appearing out of nowhere and occupying your mind for a few minutes before you become aware, once again, that you are not supposed to have any thoughts. Particularly, if you are new to the whole process.

Nevertheless, I want you to try the exercise. It will give you a glimpse of what it is like to live in the NOW and not to have any thoughts associated with either the past or the future. It is truly a state of pure bliss.

When it comes to controlling your STRESS or STRESS associated energies, the state of NOW offers the ultimate solution. STRESS is simply impossible in a fully conscious state on NOW.  Since your mind will not be able to generate STRESS related thoughts, past or future, STRESS will vanish into thin air.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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How Living In The NOW Can Destroy Stress

living in the now

Continuation from last week…..


As was suggested earlier in the book and as was shown in Exercise #1, it is entirely possible to separate your state of Universal Consciousness from the state of Mind and Ego.  When you do, something curious happens.  As you begin to watch your thoughts as an outsider looking in, you begin notice that most of your thoughts are associated with either the past or the future. Yet, if you are to shift your mind to the state of “NOW”, most of your thoughts come to a screeching halt.

While an entire book can be written about this incredibly important concept, we will concentrate on just a few things and their associations with STRESS.

The Past:

As you begin to watch your thoughts, you will immediately notice that about 50% of them are associated with the past. And not in a good way. Typically, the human mind ignores all of the positive past associations while concentrating almost entirely on the negative incidents. The mind tends to zero in on the most painful and the most negative experiences over the last few days, weeks, months and even years in order to create downward energy spirals associated with STRESS.

For example, let’s imagine for a second that you were in an amazing relationship over the last 5 years. It was an incredible experience, yet you ended up fighting over the last few months due to a major lie instigated by the other person. Eventually deciding to split up and go your separate ways.  If that is the case, you mind will go over all of the negative aspects of your breakup over the last few months while completely dismissing the previous 5 positive years.  That’s how cunning your mind is.

It will focus on how the other person has done you wrong and it will create numerous negative thought spirals associated with it. The range of thoughts you will come up with will vary from mildly entertaining to highly disturbing. Yet, they will all have one thing in common.  Even thought your relationship was 99% amazing and 1% negative, the thoughts of the past (in association with your relationship) will be 100% negative.

What’s more, these negative thoughts will bring massive amounts of STRESS into your realm of consciousness.  Through two channels. First, your past negative associations will boil your blood. Constantly triggering negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. Second, if you are unaware, you will constantly think about your ex, what they are doing, who they are with, how they could have done you so wrong and so forth.

The same process of negative PAST thought association applies to everything else in your life. Your job, your family, your friends, etc….. In reality, it’s all rubbish, created entirely by your mind.

The Future:

The future thoughts represent the other 50% of your thoughts and work in a very similar fashion.  With one primary difference. Your future thoughts are not related to any past events, relationships, friendships, jobs, etc….. They are based entirely on HOPE and WORRY/FEAR.

The human mind tends to take past experiences and project them well into the future. The problem is, the future never turns out exactly as we expect it to. And that brings a tremendous amount of stress into your present state of consciousness.

For instance, a typical negative FUTURE thought spiral can develop in the following fashion.  “If I don’t pass this test tomorrow I will fail the class, if I fail the class I won’t get into Harvard, if I won’t get into Harvard my parents will disown me, if my parents disown me they will take away all of my money and they will kick me out, if they kick me out I will be homeless, etc…..”. While an extreme example, it shows, once again, how cunning the mind can be.

In reality, you passing or failing any given test is likely to have very little impact on your overall life. Yet, your mind will create a delusion that it will. Bringing enormous amounts of negative STRESS energies associated with it along for the ride.

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How To Avoid Stress

How To Avoid StressContinuation from Thursday…...While the example above is hypothetical, the STRESS associated with it is as real as it gets. Having gone through a similar experience myself, minus the Russian mobster, and having a number of friends collapse under similar circumstances, this IS about as much STRESS as any normal human being can take.  In fact, the STRESS energy becomes so overwhelming at that juncture that death and self destruction are literally inches away.

Again, while the example above represents an extreme and compressed version of STRESS and associated energies, it is something that all of us deal with on the daily basis. Whether its work, family, personal life or something else.  And while our daily STRESS levels might be spread out over an extended period of time, unlike the stock market example above, at the end of the day we all suffer the same.

Is there anything we can do to separate from this emotional rollercoaster?

Absolutely.  In order to stop STRESS energy in its tracks, before transforming it, three things are necessary.

  1. A strict set of rules.
  2. Living in the NOW.
  3. Separation, Control & Meditation

Implementing a Strict Set of Rules

Let’s go back to our stock market example for a second.  It was entirely unfortunate, but Jimmy’s downfall was sealed long before he bought a single share of that stock.  As most of us, Jimmy operated on human emotions and feelings. Greed, fear, hope, desire, anger, joy, sorrow, etc….. He was not in control. His research gave him a false sense of security as he hoped that the stock in question would continue to go up indefinitely. He never considered nor prepared for a possible loss. A sure recipe for disaster.

Most human beings operate in exactly the same fashion in their everyday lives.  They are like leaves in the wind. A little gust to the left and their entire day goes sour. A little to the right and they are as happy as they could be. Without even realizing the fact. Relying entirely too much on external circumstances, outside stimuli and their emotional states as opposed to paying attention to what is really happening in their lives. That has to change if people are interested in removing STRESS energies from their lives.

One of the first requirements in doing so is to set a strict set of rules in an environment that brings STRESS into your life.  For instance, Jimmy J. could have prevented his predicament with a few simple rules.

  • Jimmy’s Rule #1: Implementation of strict trading rules. Without room for any sort of deviation.
  • Jimmy’s Rule #2: Setting a firm price (based on his analysis) or a stop loss order at which Jimmy would have liquidate/sold his position.

Not only do these strict trading rules take all the guess work out of the equitation, more importantly, they remove emotions and feelings out one’s decision making process. Removing STRESS energies in the process. For example, let’s assume that Jimmy’s trading rules clearly instructed him to sell his position in stock XYZ if its price hit $9 a share. If Jimmy would have had this clear understanding from the beginning, he would have been acutely aware that his losses would be limited to $100,000. In the worst case scenario. Removing uncertainly and therefore STRESS from the picture.


It is important to note that such “Rules” must be exact and without any room for deviation. Typically, your mind and your emotions will play cruel tricks on you if you do leave room for deviation. Going back to Jimmy, if he would have left room for any sort of divergence, he would found himself in the same place where he actually ended up.

Allow me to illustrate just how cunning the mind can be if Jimmy deviated from his iron clad rule of selling at $9 a share.

  • The stock price hits $9 a share.

Jimmy’s Cunning Mind:  Well, let’s wait until the stock hits $8.50. My technical setup shows that it cannot possibly go lower. If I sell now, I will lose $100,000. I am sure the stock will bounce back to $13 in a few days. Its option expiration date. The stock market always does that.
Outcome: Jimmy does not sell.

  • The stock price hits $8.50 a share (STRESS levels are going up).

Jimmy’s Cunning Mind:  It can’t possibly go any lower. These sellers are fools. This is at least a $30 stock. I am going to hold. I am sure it will turn around tomorrow.
Outcome: Jimmy does not sell.

  • The stock price hits $7.00 a share (STRESS levels are now extremely high).

Jimmy’s Cunning Mind: This is F*$# stupid.  There is no reason for this stock to go this low. I wish I had another Million. I wish I could buy more. If I did I would make a fortune.
Outcome: Jimmy does not sell.

We all know what happens next. Point being, Jimmy J. was too lenient on his own rules. What started out as an innocent $0.50 cent deviation, ended up in an absolute disaster.  And this is the KEY point you must be aware of.  First, you MUST NOT deviate from your original set of rules. No matter what. Come hell or high water, you MUST stick to them. Second, you MUST be aware that your mind will begin to play tricks on you. It will ask for just a little bit more, an inch, a penny, a feather in order to push the underlying situation just a tiny bit further. Opening the gates of hell in the process and bringing STRESS energies back into your life.  Just remember, be firm and unabated; stick to your Rules, always and as if your life depended on it.

To Be Continued On Monday…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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How To Control Stress & Fear In Your Life

wall street stressContinuation From Monday………Unfortunately, Livermore did not follow his own advice and strict trading rules.  He claimed that his lack of adherence to his own rules was the main reason for his losses.  After losing his billion dollar fortune in the mid 1930’s, he was never able to bounce back.  Faced with the prospect of never again recovering his losses and after publicly admitting to his failure, he committed suicide in New York in November of 1940.

What does any of this have to do with STRESS and associated energies?

Everything. The reason Livermore lost both of his fortunes had very little to do with his abilities as a speculator and everything to do with his emotional state and his inability to control his STRESS energies.

For instance, the example below represents a typical trader’s mindset and various STRESS emotions associated with unsuccessful speculation. Please note, the same STRESS emotions are present in everyone’s life.  In one way or another. It is just that the stock market example below gives us the ability to look at the subject matter in a compressed fashion. In other words, while an adverse stock price movement can take 6 hours to play out, your STRESS filled situation at work might take 2 years to play out. Yet, the underlying energies and pressures associated with both are the same.

stock market cycle

EXAMPLE:  Let’s assume for a second that the chart above represent the movement of the stock (XYZ) over a 15 day period of time.  Let’s also assume that a hot shot traded named Jimmy J. has been following this stock for two months.  The stock has been doing incredibly well, gaining 50% in value over the last two weeks alone. Jimmy is “exhilarated” as he plunks down a cool million to buy 100,000 shares at $10 each.

  • Day 1-5: The stock price goes up another $2 or 20%. Jimmy J. cannot contain himself. He is walking around the office and telling everyone that he just made a sweet $200,000 in 5 days. His ego is overinflated and there is no whiff of STRESS around him. On the contrary, Jimmy is so confident in his stock picking ability that he fancies himself as a genius on par with Einstein.
  • Day 6-10: The stock price tops out at $13 a share and begins to decline rapidly. By day 10, the stock price hits $7 a share.  Jimmy has now lost $600,000 since the stock topped out and $300,000 of his original capital. Jimmy is now in “denial”. Instead of running around the office and telling everyone how successful he is and what color his new Ferrari will be, Jimmy J. is freaking out. He is stressed out beyond belief. He cannot afford to lose another penny.  The amount of pressure, fear and stress he now feels is unreal. After all, Jimmy borrowed that million from a Russian mobster Ivan Petrovich Zubov and he knows all too well what happens to those chumps who do not pay.  After double checking his fundamental and technical research Jimmy is sure the market is wrong.  Its Friday night, Jimmy J. feels a little bit better as he is now sure the stock price will recover next week.
  • Day 11-15: A SEC investigation is announced. The stock price quickly collapses from $7 to $3 a share.  Jimmy J panics and then finally sells his position at the bottom or $2 a share.  The amount of STRESS & FEAR Jimmy feels at this juncture is unimaginable.  After double checking his account, Jimmy is $800,000 in the hole.  As he contemplates his next move, his cell phone rings. It’s Ivan Zubov and he needs his money back +50% next week. Jimmy J is so STRESSED by this point that he is now seriously considering one of two options.  A quick jump out his 27th story office window or a one way ticket to go live in the mountains of Zimbabwe.

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How To Control Stress And Fear If You Are A Wall Street Trader

wall street stress

Continuation from two weeks ago…..As I was about to start working on this section of the book the following breaking news story hit the wires, “Robin Williams Commits Suicide at 63”.  Williams, one of my favorite actors and one of the most successful comics of all time had everything.  At least what most people could only dream of.  Wealth, a successful career in a highly competitive business, millions of fans, critical acclaim, an Oscar, children, a loving family, health, exciting projects and a bright future. Yet, after making millions of us laugh, it wasn’t enough. He was dying inside. Depression, drugs, alcohol were just too much to handle. And while we will never know what finally forced him to take that final step, his actions were preventable by applying the same concepts discussed in this book.

Just like the rest of us, Robin Williams was too closely associated with his own mind to come to a realization that he could control it. To come to a realization that he could control the negative energies associated with depression, stress, fear, greed, jealousy and a million other negative emotions. To come to a realization that could separate from them and then transform them into something positive. In the very same fashion that we will be transforming STRESS energies in this book.  Most importantly, this ability would have given him the strength and the skills necessary to overcome most of his obstacles. Perhaps giving him the attitude necessary to save his own life in the process. Just as I’ve saved my own many years ago.

Outside of being in an active combat zone or perhaps an emergency room physician, stock traders or investors who actively participate in financial markets work in the highest pressure/stress environment on Earth. Day in and day out.  Think about it for a second.  Money managers who work with large sums of money have the ability to make or lose tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars within just a few hours.  Often making millions of dollars one day, only to lose it all, and their shirt, a few days later. In fact, the emotional peaks and valleys for most of the Wall Street traders might be as extreme as a highly speculative tech stock behaving in an erratic fashion.

In other words, the amount of STRESS associated with avoiding losses while trying to outperform the competition on the Wall Street is truly immense. If we can somehow ascertain how to control STRESS energies associated with trading in the stock market, we can then easily apply the same principles to our daily lives. To deal with various STRESS energies on the consistent basis.

Perhaps one of the most successful and best known traders on the Wall Street was Jesse Livermore (1877-1940). He was famous for establishing a number of trading approaches that are still in use today as well as making and losing several fortunes in his lifetime.  Most notable, we was able to amass a fortune of $3 million after 1907 crash and a fortune of over $100 million (over $1 Billion in today’s money) after 1929 stock market crash. Only to lose both shortly thereafter.

In essence, Livermore introduced a trading philosophy that emphasized increasing the size of winning positions while quickly cutting losses.

“All through time, people have basically acted and reacted the same way in the market as a result of: greed, fear, ignorance, and hope.  That is why the numerical formations and patterns recur on a constant basis. The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich quick adventurer. They will die poor.” —Jesse Livermore, How To Trade In Stocks

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How Your Consciousness Can Control Your Reality


Continuation from last week……..That is the key. If Julia knew how STRESS really worked she would be able to separate from her thoughts and observer them as an outsider looking in. As if she was watching a move.  She would know that her thoughts are NOT her. She would know that for the most part her thoughts are being randomly generated by her mind in an involuntary fashion.  She would also know that she has the capacity to stop these thoughts. More importantly, she would be aware of the negative spirals associated with such thinking and what to do to stop them in their tracks.  Immediately shifting her state of being from a state of STRESS to the state of happiness, joy and indifference.


This chapter contained a number of incredibly important concepts that we must review before moving on. A clear comprehension of the concepts above will make all the difference in helping you transform STRESS energy into a powerful force that you can then use for other endeavors.

We Are NOT Our Bodies, Minds, Thoughts, Feelings or Emotions:

An important question was asked. “Who are we?” The book displayed evidence that while we are closely associated with our bodies, minds, thoughts, feelings and emotions, we are not physical matter.  The exercise above clearly showed that if are able to observe our own minds and our own thoughts, a third point of reference must be present. Otherwise, any observation would be impossible. That third point of reference is our human consciousness.

Human Consciousness and Having the Ability to Separate From Physical Reality:

It was demonstrated that our consciousness has the ability to be an observer. *Again, if you were not able to become an observer of your own thoughts I highly encourage you to repeat the exercise until you are successful. The ability to observe your own thoughts will give you the understanding that you seek. Further, this separation gives us a deep understanding of what human consciousness is and how the body/mind processes work behind the scenes.

How STRESS Really Works:

We have looked at stress through a number of examples where it was shown that STRESS is triggered by various thought patterns within our own minds. Such thought chains then go on to create negative spirals within our physical and emotional bodies. Causing variant degrees of STRESS as a result.

Ability to Control It:

Finally, it was shown that when we shift into the state of higher consciousness and become observers of our own STRESS energy, we gain the ability to control it. Not only to control it, but to transform it into yet another form of a positive energy.

In the next chapter we will look at the tools necessary not only to control STRESS, but to completely separate from it.

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How To Stop Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

business ideasContinuation from Monday……..If you were a simple body and mind configuration, you would not be able to observe your own thoughts as you just did or as if you were an outsider looking in. Think about it. How can a mind observer itself while generating various thought patterns? That would be impossible.  That leads only to one conclusion.  A third point of reference is needed in order to observe both your thoughts and your body. That third point of reference is your Human Consciousness.

A few years ago I was on an 8 hour hike with a friend of mine. About an hour into the hike Jim started to suffer from a migraine that was literally killing him. It had gotten so bad that he could barely walk. He ended up throwing up a number of times and had to sit down every 200 yards or so just to gather his energy. At times I could barely get him up.  I distinctly remember Jim telling me, “Man, my headache is so bad I wish would die right now”. He looked terrible and while I could sympathize with his pain I couldn’t feel it. I knew it was there, but I couldn’t internalize it…..I couldn’t experience it. I was just an observer.

When you begin to observe YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings and emotions you begin to react in exactly the same fashion. You become an observer. You are then able to disassociate yourself from all of your own mental processes. While it might take a fair amount of practice to get to that point, once you comprehend how your mind works, it will become a lot easier.

For instance, you might have had a really bad day at work where your boss ripped you a new one. The incident was so bad that you believe that another tiny slip up would result in your firing.  It is important to now illustrate how you would react to such an incident with and without the ability to be an observer.

WITHOUT Having an Ability to Observe Your Own Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions: (The Old You)

You will immediately become identified with the incident. Your mind/brain will immediately begin to generate all sorts of crazy and negative thought patters and feelings. You will begin thinking how stupid you were, that you have made a mistake, that you are not worthy to have your job, that your boss is right, that you will be fired, that you should probably start looking for a new job, that you will not be able to provide for your family, that your wife or husband will leave you, that you will soon become homeless and die of starvation, that you are a loser, that you are a failure, that you are worthless, that God hates you and so on and so forth.  The feelings of anger towards your boss will follow shortly thereafter.

Basically, the mind will create a negative spiral within your human form on multiple levels. Including your body, mind, feelings, emotions and thoughts.  For as long as it lasts, you will literally live in the hell of your own making.  You will associate with and you will become that negativity energy. Unfortunately, that is exactly how most of us live today.

WITH Having an Ability to Observe Your Own Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions (The New You):

On the contrary, when you become an observer, all of your thoughts, feelings and emotions fall by the wayside. While your mind will still generate the negative thought pattern described above, you will not be impacted by them. You will simply acknowledge that these thoughts exist and move on. In fact, it would develop in the following fashion

  1. Your mind will begin to develop thoughts suggesting that you were stupid, that you have made a mistake, that you are a loser, etc…. Just as above.
  2. At this stage you would shift into the state of Higher Consciousness and begin to observe your thoughts.  As if you were watching a movie.
  3. While in the state of higher consciousness you would simply acknowledge and then dismiss your mind. You would instruct your mind and your thoughts to “Get Lost”.

That’s all there is to it. By cutting your thoughts at the root of the problem you are then able to escape all the negativity associated with having a long lasting negative experience. All in one swoop.  In other words, by dissociating from your mind and by becoming an observer your thoughts, feelings and emotions would not be able to impact you.

To see this process in action, repeat Exercise #1 with one slight variation. Instead of simply observing your thoughts, recall a situation that makes you mad beyond believe. Whatever it might be.  When your blood is at a boiling point, stop, close your eyes, shift into the state of higher consciousness and begin to observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with it. As you do, you will soon realize and understand just how ridiculous your anger is.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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