Can Your Mind Observe Itself?

holographic universeContinuation From Saturday…….It is time to illustrate exactly how that works. Here is what I want you to do before you move on to the next section of the book. It is incredibly important that you follow the exercise below as the rest of the book will not make any sense if you are to skip this simple practice.

EXERCISE 1: Observing Your Own Thoughts.

Find a quiet and preferably dark place where you will not be bothered over the next 30 minutes. Leave your cell phone and all other devices behind. Once again, it is crucial that no one interrupts you for the next 30 minutes.  Sit down or lie down and get comfortable.  Close your eyes and relax. Mentally prepare to observer your own thoughts.

It is also important to understand what it is exactly you are about to experience before you experience it. Otherwise, you mind will make a fool out of you and you won’t be able to comprehend the experience. For instance, as you lie down and close your eyes your mind is likely to remain silent for a few brief moments. Shortly thereafter, your thoughts will come fast and furious. They will show up out of nowhere, establish thought patters or chains and then lead you on a roller coaster ride of various thoughts, feelings and emotions.

For instance, let’s assume that your significant other or someone close to you has lied to you in a major way over the last couple of days. It is highly probable that your mind will go directly to that thought pattern and start thinking about a wide range of the issues associated with the incident.  While the experience will start there, in 5-10 minutes time your thoughts might be in a totally different place.  At that stage you might be thinking about getting a divorce or how your mother lied to you when you were 10 years old.

What the overall thought patter or sequence will be is inconsequential for our purposes.  Once again, it will be important to remain conscious of the entire experience and the fact that you are observing your own thoughts. At that instant you should realize that A. You have the ability to observe your own thoughts B. You are NOT your thoughts and C. You are a 3rd party observer of your own thoughts.

One last thing. If you have never done this before, it is highly probable that you will become associated with your thoughts at various points throughout the experience. That is normal. Simply shift gears once you realize the fact and become an observer once again.


If you have never done this before, congratulations, this was your first meditative experience. If it was a success, the rest of the book will make perfect sense. If you were not able to observe your own thoughts I encourage you to repeat the process over the next few days or until you do. While it might take a little bit of effort on your part, the experience is well worth it.

Relating this experience to our previous discussion of the 3-dimensional reality and the human body, mind, ego, thoughts, emotions and feelings, here is what you have to understand without a shadow of a doubt.

If you were a simple body and mind configuration, you would not be able to observe your thoughts as you just did or as if you were an outsider looking in. Think about it. How can a mind observer itself while generating various thought patterns? That would be impossible.  That leads only to one conclusion.  A third point of reference is needed in order to observe both your thoughts and your body. That third point of reference is your Human Consciousness.

To Be Continued Tomorrow ……(Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Website?)


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The Secret Behind How Human Reality Really Works

ConsciousnessContinuation from Thursday…..Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. The graphic above is an accurate representation of human reality.  As such, it should be studied in great detail. Not only studied, but analyzed and contemplated.  Even meditated upon. Once this reality sinks in, all doors shall open within us and for us. Now, let’s take a closer look at each individual level of this human reality and what it really means.

Level #1:  3-Dimensional Reality  

At the bottom of the picture we have our 3-Dimensional reality. That is the world we live in. It includes the things we see and all other matter. It is the basic composition of our world and everything in it.

Level #2:  Our Body…..The Machine 

Next, we have our body. While the body is part of the 3-Dimensional construct, it is independent of it. Our body moves through space, time and reality. Think of it as a vessel of sorts that gives us all senses and allows us to interpret the 3-Dimensional reality we see, feel, taste, smell and touch.

It is a machine that we control and OWN. It is an amazingly beautiful and complex machine, but we do have full control and ownership of it. Once again, our bodies is not who we are.  Our bodies is something that belongs to us, it is how we express ourselves while in human form. Fully comprehend and understand that.

Level #3:  Our Mind……A Super Computer That Controls the Body.  This computer runs on powerful software…..also known as human emotions, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, labels, etc…

This is where things get a little bit tricky. While it is somewhat easy to separate ourselves from our bodies, most human beings cannot comprehend being separated from their minds. Most people believe that THEY ARE their minds, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions.  I am here to tell you that it is NOT the reality.

Once again, think about it in the following fashion.  While our bodies are robotic machines, our minds are the Central Processing Units (CPUs) and our thoughts/emotions are the software.  Basically, our minds take our thoughts, emotions, feelings, bodily functions and various other energies associated with the body/mind and processes them into our 3-Dimensional reality.  In other words, our minds are our computing centers. It is NOT us.

Level #4:  Our Consciousness……True Self  

There are many names for what consciousness really is. Some people call it God consciousness, soul, witness, ghost within the machine, alpha and omega, universal energy, etc… I choose to call it Universal or Human Consciousness primary because it is exactly what it is once we become fully aware.

What does that really mean?  At the risk of sounding repetitive, I must make sure this point sinks in. It means that we are not our minds, we are not our bodies and we are not our thoughts/beliefs/feelings. We are much more than that. We are Consciousness and as such WE ARE ……

  • In Full Control of Everything:  We are in control of our bodies, of our minds, of our thoughts, emotions, labels, beliefs, feelings and so forth. Our true selves are separate from them. Such external factors do not represent who we are. We become observers. We begin to see our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and emotions as outsiders looking in, but we do not identify with them.  Just as if we were watching a movie. We become self aware that such things are nothing more than software running on our operating systems.

Once we cross the dotted red line into the state of higher consciousness the structure above becomes evident to those who dare to explore their inner workings.

To Be Continued On Monday…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website? )


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Is Human Reality A Holographic Universe?

holographic universeContinuation from yesterday…...Fair enough, but the definition above does very little to describe how STRESS works. To gauge that understanding we must first read a library full of medical, psychological and even spiritual books.  But I am not going to do that to you. Instead, I will cut through all of that in one swoop and call STRESS what it really is. An energy field within your body and your mind.   To fully understand what I am telling you, we must now study how the “Human Form” really works.

Most people don’t really think about who or what they really are.  Are we the body, mind, spirit, thoughts, feelings or all of the above? While it might initially appear as an insignificant question, answering it in a proper way will have severe consequences on how you perceive your reality.  It will change your life.

So, who and/or what are we?

A quick story first. In the movie Bicentennial Man, a robot played by Robin Williams somehow acquires a tine spec of consciousness during the manufacturing process. After a bit of a slow start he begins to ask questions that machines are not supposed to ask. What is love, what is happiness/sadness, emotions, fears, etc…? He then spends the rest of his life working on this spec of consciousness while trying to understand what life really means. Eventually succeeding in turning himself into a human being, falling in love and dying of natural causes.

Human beings work in exactly the same fashion. At birth, all of us start out with a tiny spec of consciousness and a whole lot of free will on whether or not we will develop it during our life time. That is what makes us alive, that is what makes us human.  The rest of our being can be more closely related to various mechanical parts. The human brain, human body and thoughts/emotions that we have are nothing more than a powerful computer (brain) running our machine (human body) with the help of various software applications (thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc..).  Don’t get me wrong, human body is one of the most beautiful and one of the most complex machines in the universe, yet, it is still a machine. It is not who we really are.

This needs further explanation and much deeper understanding before we can proceed.  I will do so by comparing our 3-dimensional environment and our state of being to a very powerful computer. Before you dismiss this as highly improbable, please be aware that some of the most advanced scientific research in the world points to the same conclusion.

In fact, Martin Savage, a physicist at the University of Washington, strongly believes the idea. In his recently published paper “Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation” he concludes that the known laws of nature can be plugged into a computer and with the help of some creative coding be turned into a simulation of our universe. A holographic universe. In other words, if such primitive and young species as human beings can construct a universe of their own, well, we might be living in one.

Now, before your brain spontaneously combusts from the conclusion above, allow me to present the same subject matter from a much simpler vantage point.  The illustration below should help us immensely.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?)


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How Stress Works


How Stress & Fear Works Behind the Scenes
Before we can transform fear and stress into positive energies, we must first understand how fear and stress work behind the scenes.  We must understand what drives them.

Continuation from yesterday…… Let me begin this chapter by saying that I have no medical or psychological qualifications whatsoever.  Outside of taking 2 years worth of pre-med courses in college, my knowledge on the subject matter from the “traditional education and application” point of view is very limited. Yet, despite my lack of experience in the field, the experience that I do have goes well beyond what they teach you in school.

A few years ago I was fortunate enough to make a quantum jump in human consciousness. Subsequently, after studying the human body, mind, feelings, emotions and other energies associated with the human form, for many years and at a higher level of consciousness, I was able to gain a deep understanding of how the “Human Form” works.  On all levels. It is through this understanding that I am able to guide you in transforming your stress and fear energies into a positive state of being.

Now, allow me to pause here for a second to issue an important warning, once again. At this stage you either believe me or you don’t.  How you feel is inconsequential to me, but here is what I want you to do.  If you do NOT believe in what you have read thus far, I want you to close this book and throw it in a garbage can. Please contact me at with a proof of purchase and I would be delighted to send you the money back.

If you do not take issue with what I have said above, I truly believe that this book will transform your life. The only suggestion I would make is this. Do not dismiss the methods described in this book prior to trying them out. While some of them might seem unconventional, they truly work. With a little bit of effort and some patience on your part, your stress and fear will disappear, only to be replaced by happiness and bliss. Or whatever other positive avenue you would like to channel this energy towards.  No doctor can do that for you.

Finally, stress and fear come out of one unified energy field. Fear causes stress and stress causes fear. And while they might have different trigger points and manifestations, they come out of the same place. For our purposes and for the reminder of the book I will unify this feeling, emotion and physical reaction under the term “STRESS”.  Yet, keep in mind that we are also talking about fear when we are talking about stress and that all of the exercises that apply to transforming your stress energy also apply to transforming your fear energy.

Now that we are all done with the house cleaning, we must ask an incredibly important question.

What is STRESS?

Wikipedia defines stress as: Physiological or biological stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Stress is a body’s method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body’s way to respond to stress is by sympathetic nervous system activation which results in the fight-or-flight response. In humans, stress typically describes a negative condition that can have an impact on a person’s mental and physical well-being.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…..(Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Website?)


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Killing Stress


Continuation from yesterday…... As they have reached the spot, Alexander sent a few soldiers to go fetch the man. The soldiers came back a few hours later, empty handed and dumbfounded.  They have reported back to Alexander, “We have never seen such a man before. He was standing naked by the river and he laughed at all of our gifts, offers, demands and threats. He simply stated that he will not go anywhere and that no one can make him”.

Understandably, Alexander was aggravated, eventually making a decision to go see this man himself. Walking up to the river bank with a naked sword in his hand and seeing this man Alexander was immediately taken aback by what the man said.

“Throw the sword down little child. Either that or cut my head off. We will both see it fall to the ground and we will both have a good time.”

Alexander was shocked as no one had dared to talk to him in such a way before. Yet, in that instant he realized something profound. You cannot kill nor do anything to a man who is not afraid to die.  Certainly, he would not be able to force him to go anywhere. On the flip side, the “Enlightened Man” was absolutely stress free, fearless and completely indifferent to what Alexander had in store for him. Even if his death was imminent, the man didn’t even have the slightest amount of fear or stress associated with what was about to happen.

The question becomes, what if such a state of absolute fearlessness and stress free existence was available to us all. A state where stress or fear simply bounce off of us like a rubber ball bounces off a wall. Let’s call this state “Fearless Indifference and Bliss” (FIB). Well, it is possible. Not only is it possible, but it is also possible to take the energies associated with fear and stress and transform them into the positive state of happiness, joy and bliss. Or anything else for that matter.

That is what this book is all about.  We will look at the subject matter in the following fashion.

  1. How Stress & Fear Works Behind the Scenes: Before we can transform fear and stress into positive energies, we must first understand how fear and stress work behind the scenes.  We must understand what drives them.
  2. Understanding Your Mind, Body, Feelings, Stress and Fear: Further, we must gather how stress and fear interact with our body, with our mind and with our feelings. That is a prerequisite to gaining the ability to transform it.
  3. Separation and Control:  This incredibly important section will teach you how to completely eliminate fear and stress from your life. Once and for all.
  4. Tools and Exercises:  Shows you the tools you will need to completely eliminate fear and stress from your daily life.
  5. Transforming Fear and Stress into Positive Energies:  Shows you exactly what you have to do in order to transform your fear and stress into positive energies that you can then use for other things in your life.
  6. Living Life Free of Stress and Fear: An in-depth look at what it is like to live your life free of stress and fear.

It is my sincere hope that this book transforms your life in a positive fashion. From the present state of where fear and stress rule your life, to the state where you can consciously take this negative energy and transform into a positive experience. A state where you live in absolute happiness, bliss and joy. Completely indifferent to stress and fear within our daily lives.

To Be Continued Tomorrow ……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?).


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How To Kill Stress & Fear

stressStress & Fear Kills. While my personal story above might represent an extreme example of stress, it does a very good job illustrating what stress can do if is left unattended.  

If you live in a Western Society your life is filled with stress and fears.  From the minute you wake up to the minute you fall asleep. And while different people handle or react to stress/fears in different ways, it is always there. Right underneath your skin. Family, work, finances, relationships, friends, desires, hopes, dreams, anxiety, depression, failures, goals, etc… The list goes on and it never ends. All of that brings an immense amount of pressure into your life, causing all sort of medical, psychological and other life issues.

On top of that, all of us stress about or fear different issues.  While some people stress out about the world ending because they are addicted to the negative news coverage, others stress out about not being able to afford their next meal.  And while you might be stressing about the security of your job, your best friend might fear the deteriorating health of his wife. One thing is for sure. Every one of us lives an extremely stressful life, full of fears. In one form or another.

In fact, according to the American Psychological Association (American Institute of Stress), over 50% of all Americans deal with extreme stress on the daily basis. Particularly,

  • Percent of people who regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress
77 %
  • Regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress
73 %
  • Feel they are living with extreme stress
33 %
  • Feel their stress has increased over the past five years
48 %
  • Cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress
76 %
  • Reported lying awake at night due to stress
48 %

As you can imagine, this is a huge health hazard and it is literally killing you.  What’s more, if you work in a high pressure or a high stress environment, that number is likely to be at 100%.  Professionals who are involved in the fields of law enforcement, medicine, warfare, financial markets, business, sports, high pressure sales, etc… feel an immense amount of stress on the daily basis.  With my primary source of income coming from investing and trading on Wall Street, I can attest to that with firsthand knowledge. As was demonstrated earlier.

Can anything be done to reduce stress and to get rid of fear?
Absolutely. That is what this book is all about. But I am not talking about minimizing or reducing stress and fear.  I am talking about something that has never been done before.  I am talking about taking stress and fear related energies and transforming them into a powerful force that can then be used for other purposes. Imagine not only being able to completely get rid of stress and fear, but also taking the energy associated with such negative feelings and applying them towards something you love. Channeling that energy towards a creative process or spending more quality time with your kids or even starting a business.  This book turns this dream into a reality.

This reminds me of a story about Alexander the Great.  As he was leaving India on the way back home, he remembered that the elite ruling class back in Macedon had asked him to bring back an “Enlightened Man”. As no such man existed in the West at the time. After asking around he was told that such a man exists and luckily for Alexander he lives right on the path that led home.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?) 


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