Is Human Reality A Holographic Universe?

holographic universeContinuation from yesterday…...Fair enough, but the definition above does very little to describe how STRESS works. To gauge that understanding we must first read a library full of medical, psychological and even spiritual books.  But I am not going to do that to you. Instead, I will cut through all of that in one swoop and call STRESS what it really is. An energy field within your body and your mind.   To fully understand what I am telling you, we must now study how the “Human Form” really works.

Most people don’t really think about who or what they really are.  Are we the body, mind, spirit, thoughts, feelings or all of the above? While it might initially appear as an insignificant question, answering it in a proper way will have severe consequences on how you perceive your reality.  It will change your life.

So, who and/or what are we?

A quick story first. In the movie Bicentennial Man, a robot played by Robin Williams somehow acquires a tine spec of consciousness during the manufacturing process. After a bit of a slow start he begins to ask questions that machines are not supposed to ask. What is love, what is happiness/sadness, emotions, fears, etc…? He then spends the rest of his life working on this spec of consciousness while trying to understand what life really means. Eventually succeeding in turning himself into a human being, falling in love and dying of natural causes.

Human beings work in exactly the same fashion. At birth, all of us start out with a tiny spec of consciousness and a whole lot of free will on whether or not we will develop it during our life time. That is what makes us alive, that is what makes us human.  The rest of our being can be more closely related to various mechanical parts. The human brain, human body and thoughts/emotions that we have are nothing more than a powerful computer (brain) running our machine (human body) with the help of various software applications (thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc..).  Don’t get me wrong, human body is one of the most beautiful and one of the most complex machines in the universe, yet, it is still a machine. It is not who we really are.

This needs further explanation and much deeper understanding before we can proceed.  I will do so by comparing our 3-dimensional environment and our state of being to a very powerful computer. Before you dismiss this as highly improbable, please be aware that some of the most advanced scientific research in the world points to the same conclusion.

In fact, Martin Savage, a physicist at the University of Washington, strongly believes the idea. In his recently published paper “Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation” he concludes that the known laws of nature can be plugged into a computer and with the help of some creative coding be turned into a simulation of our universe. A holographic universe. In other words, if such primitive and young species as human beings can construct a universe of their own, well, we might be living in one.

Now, before your brain spontaneously combusts from the conclusion above, allow me to present the same subject matter from a much simpler vantage point.  The illustration below should help us immensely.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?)


Is Human Reality A Holographic Universe? Google