Will Putin Destroy Saudi Arabia


If you have been following this blog for any length of time you know that I have been consistently right in regard to numerous geopolitical and macro economic issues. Particularly, the war in Syria, subsequent NATO action in Ukraine and Mr. Putin’s thirst for vengeance (for Ukraine and economic warfare against Russia).

I don’t think there is a doubt that Russia will destroy ISIS and stabilize Syria over the next few months. Forging a powerhouse alliance between Syria, Iran and Iraq in the process. But, I don’t think that would be Mr. Putin’s end game.

To accomplish a complete victory he must destabilize and collapse Saudi Arabia. I believe that is to be his end game at the present moment. Such a development would deliver a major blow to the US in the region, cement his power and bring the price of oil back up (buy oil?).

And that might actually happen much faster than anyone believes.

With that in mind, while Mr. Putin is delivering major blows to the US Interests in the region, here is the response from our “best and brightest” Brookings Scholar to Vladimir Putin: Fight Me!


It appears a bunch of five-year-olds have taken over all branches of our government, media, education, etc….


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