What You Ought To Know About Mr. Bernanke Rolling In Fools Money

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Why would anyone pay good money to listen to what this charlatan has to say is beyond me. Not as if he can share an actionable forecast nor does he have a firm grasp on where the economy is headed. His recently released 2008 FED minutes prove that without a shadow of a doubt.

After Fed, Bernanke Offers His Wisdom, for a Big Fee

During his eight years as steward of the world’s largest economy, Mr. Bernanke’s salary was about $200,000 a year. Now he makes that in just a few hours speaking to bankers, hedge fund billionaires and leaders of industry. This year alone, he is poised to make millions of dollars from speaking engagements.

Investors are dealing with an economy that is in large part the creature of Fed policies under Mr. Bernanke, and they are willing to pay top dollar for his words of wisdom as a result.

Wisdom? LOL. As I have suggested here a number of times before, the FED doesn’t know what is going on within the US Economy. It is a reactionary force at best. For instance, while there were a number of brilliant money mangers and economists out there who predicted the 2008 collapse as early as 2005, Mr.Benranke was not one of them. Not even close.

While others saw clear signs of a collapse, the FED and Mr. Bernanke talked about accelerating economy and “a hot” housing market as late as Q1 of 2008.

Today,  we have an identical environment. While I am against any soft of stimulus, tightening today (as the FED is doing) is equivalent to financial suicide. Given the amount of speculation, leverage and leverage driven earnings in the system, any tightening here will set off the next recession. And that’s exactly what we will see when the bear market of 2014-2017 will rear its ugly head ……as per my mathematical work.

Point being, whoever uses Bernanke’s wisdom to invest in today’s environment will get their head handed back to them.  
