The Secret To Not Losing Money On Wall Street

CNBC Writes: Dow could rise 10 percent or more in 2014: Siegel

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Wharton School professor Jeremy Siegel told CNBC on Monday that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow Jones Global Indexes: .DJI) could rise 10 percent or more in 2014.

That may not be on par with this year’s roaring return but is still historically robust, he said, considering that 2013 has been an “extraordinary year” for stock gains.

“I think they are going to kick the [budget] can down the road a whole year,” Siegel said. “So that’ll be off our plate and that will be a very, very positive factor [for] first-quarter 2014.”

Read The Rest Of The Article

This post is to quickly remind you of two very important facts.

1. Most financial media is worthless. Half the time they don’t even know what they are talking about.  They continuously recycle worthless stories that have no impact on financial markets or individual stocks. As I have said many times before, news do not drive stock prices. I want you to be aware of that.

2. Never listen to teachers when it comes to real world applications. Most of them have the theory down, but that’s it. They do not have what it takes to be on Wall Street. If Mr. Siegel knew anything about the markets he would be managing money and making millions of dollars each year. Instead he teaches. Those who can…do and those who can’t….teach.

Anyway, what kind of garbage is this…..only 10%?  Why not 50% or 100%. Might as well just say that. As a matter of fact, any number will do.  The point I am trying to make and the secret I am sharing is this…..

If you listen financial media and/or take advice from those who do not directly participate in the financial markets, your money and you shall soon be separated.  

Okay, I am done bitching for today. 

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4 Replies to “The Secret To Not Losing Money On Wall Street”

  1. I haven’t watched financial tv since my first year of investing, there paid to give you wrong advice, my question to you is do you study anything in particular or of more greater relevance in your timing method as in for example demographics, money velocity, kondratieff, credit cycles and sunspots to the extreme end. I am trying to time the downturn. But QE is a powerful entity especially when financial media hides the problems from the public.

    1. Hi Greg,

      Thanks. To answer your question….no, I don’t. I have found it that none of the “outside” factors can time the market consistently. You might think it was the catalyst this time, but next time the same thing happens and the market behaves in a completely opposite way. So, I would ignore all fundamental data and concentrate on the market itself. Not from a technical side, but something deeper. Here is an article got my “timing” research going many years ago. I indeed confirm that everything in that article is true. I will try to pinpoint the turning point over the next few months (I am still catching up to all of my work) but it will be a tough market going forward… a lot of volatility. I hope this helps.

      1. Thanks for your reply, I also believe in reoccurring natural cycles like the kondratieff and sunspots I mentioned. And ganns work to tell you the truth I am not smart enough to understand or should I say most people aren’t. So I look forward to your articles. So obviously you believe in a period of deflation as do I. I refuse to be a part of this rally, I got out of the market at the traditional sell in may and go away and haven’t been back in since. So I’m studying everything in my power cause my next round if of buys will be short sales and if I can get the big decline I’d like to buy a massive put. Thanks for all your work

        1. Thanks Greg,

          Yeah, it takes a long time to figure out what Gann was doing or talking about, but it is possible. Kondratieff cycle is good, but not very useful when it comes to timing markets. Can’t comment on the sunspots as I haven’t looked into it. Just be aware that so far my work is not showing that the move down will be a fast one. As of right now it looks like it will be very similar to 2000-2002 bear move. Timing would be of great importance. I will try to pin point it by the end of the year, but March of 2014 looks good for now.

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