Who Will Win The Nuclear World War 3


Continuation from yesterday…….When people first learn about my forecast, they typically follow up with the following questions.

  • Who will win?
  • Will the US prevail? Will China rule the world? Will Russia be the only country left standing?

Everyone is missing the point. No one will win. The prophecies of the past are quite clear in this regard. They oftentimes portray the final war so terrible, that those who survive the initial nuclear exchange would wish that they didn’t.  Famine, utter collapse of society, violence, mobs, disease, etc…. Basically, the life as we know it today will come to a screeching halt.  Only to be replaced by chaos, violence and human drive for survival at any cost.

Remember, if the scenario outlined in this book does come to a fruition, as my stock market work suggests, billions (not millions) of people will die.  With most population centers throughout the world (particularly those in China, Russia, the EU and the US) ending up as radioactive wastelands, no one on this planet will be able to avoid the consequences.  Even those living off the grid will be impacted by climate changes, radioactive fallouts and subsequent changes in the world order. Again……

Nation shall rise against nation
using the dark forces to shatter the Earth.
Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man
until half of the races of men shall be gone.
Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning
and give their edict to the children of men, saying:
O men, cease from thy striving against thy brother.
Only thus can ye come to the Light.
Then shall men cease from their striving,
brother against brother and father against son.

No one will win. Humanity as a whole will lose.  Big time. The only consolation prize comes from a number of religious texts and various prophecies that discuss the subject matter and its aftermath.  Most prelude to the fact that this war will be so terrible and so damaging to the human psyche that future generations will tremble at a thought of a war or harming another human being.  Propelling the human race of the future towards peace, prosperity, harmony and higher consciousness. For now, we can only hope that such an outcome will be the case.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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