Will The American People Ever Turn On The FED?

Old Navy Vs Gap

If you turn on the news you will quickly discover that the American middle and lower classes are suffering. Strikes, wage increase demands, people with two or more jobs barely able to make the ends meet, etc….


Courtesy of the FED of course, but very few people realize that.  Simply put, they have created an “asset/speculative economy” by transferring wealth from productive capital investments to speculation and share buybacks.  An economy where only the rich benefit.

The chart above displays this disparity in a clear fashion. Sales at Gap’s namesake brand plummeted 7% in March, and are down 14% from two years earlier. Banana Republic sales fell 3%. Meanwhile, the company’s cheaper Old Navy label is thriving, with a sales increase of 14% in March.

Point being, no economy where only the rich benefit can function very well over the long-term. And as the US Economy heads towards yet another deep recession and stock market collapse, we have no one to blame but ourselves. The question is, for how much longer will the American people allow the FED to perpetuate this crime against them?


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