Why Russia Should Invade Ukraine As Soon As Possible.

why russia should invade ukraine

I know this is not going to be a popular opinion, but here it goes anyway. First, let me ask you something. Have you ever been punched in the face by a 70-80 year old grandma over a piece of bread because she was probably starving to death? I have. It had happened to me shortly after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 (I was 12 at the time). The store shelves were empty, ruble worthless and people were trying just to survive in any way that they could. Even the vodka was rationed. If I remember correctly a family could get one bottle per month through government issued coupons. A lot of alcoholics reserved to drinking rubbing alcohol and cologne. I kid you not.

Today, Ukraine faces a similar fiscal Abyss. The West and the IMF will do absolutely nothing to resolve the situation. Any money or aid that will go directly to Ukraine will either be stolen or be paid out to Russia in the form of gas and other liability payments. Sure, but won’t Ukrainians have freedom and democracy? Don’t make me laugh. We no longer have freedom in the US with the NSA watching your every step. Plus, if the West is allowed to control Ukraine, you will quickly see Ukraine turn into a failed state (with Russia exerting it’s influence) or worse, a state where a proxy war between Russia and the US/NATO will rage for many years to come

The only true solution at this stage is for Russia to come in and take over Ukraine….. one way or the other. It will bring Ukraine back from an economic brink and stabilize it’s politics. This will allow Russia to turn the gas back on and immediately pump billions into Ukraine’s economy. Sure, it’s not an optimal solution from the West’s side, but it’s the best solution for Ukraine. Trust me, empty stomachs and economic/political collapse become a lot more important than an illusion of freedom and democracy being propagated by the west.  

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