Why Is The US Hell Bent On Starting A War With Russia?

Russia vs USa

I was watching a documentary on World War I a few days ago and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Politicians spewing garbage, crazy propaganda from all sides and outlandish guarantees of a fast victory. Young, smiling and dancing men boarding trains to the front lines as if they were destined for a hooker town. Most of them never made it back.

We are seeing the same situation today. I often get accused of being Pro-Russia or Pro-Putin. I am not as I could care less about any of that stuff. What I do care about is Obama’s Administration relentless drive towards war with Russia.  Western Media propaganda aside, I’ll ask again……

What is the US and NATO doing in Ukraine? A nation 6,000 miles away from the American shoreline. Why is the US hell bent on starting a war with Russia? 

As of right now, no one has been able to provide me with a legitimate answer. Occasionally a naive soul will suggest that the US is trying to bring freedom, liberty, unicorns and rainbows to the Ukrainian people. Perhaps and perhaps Santa is real.

Is Obama’s ego so fragile that he has to start a war in Ukraine after suffering a humiliating defeat in Syria at the hands of Putin? Bingo…..you have your answer. In the meantime…….

And so on and so forth. To tie this up, we have to start asking our political leadership some tough questions. It is time for the US Government/Media to stop using scare tactics and propaganda to drive America into yet another pointless war. Is that too much to ask for?


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