They Couldn’t Find A Single Syrian That Hates America Anymore?

Bloomberg Writes: Syria Attack Has China Outraged — at U.S.


As the U.S. prepares for a potential attack on SyriaChina is left in the awkward position of reacting to the news and occasionally justifying opposition to any U.S. action.

This is not new. In early 2012, China joined Russia in vetoing a United Nations Security Council draft resolution condemning Syrian violence and supporting an Arab League peace plan. It was a controversial move at the time, and the criticism was so overwhelming that People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s mouthpiece newspaper, felt compelled to editorialize in favor of China’s veto — after the fact.

That move itself was unusual for a government that rarely feels the need to explain itself retroactively. But on Syria, Chinese leaders appeared unusually sensitive to suggestions that they may have been insensitive to an unfolding humanitarian crisis. Referring to the U.S. as “the military giant,” the paper wrote in February 2012:

“Even if it stays for a while, it will not take protecting lives of local civilians as its primary task. The tragedies that have occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan have proved it.

“Using violence to prevent humanitarian disasters sounds just and responsible. However, aren’t the attacks and explosions that have occurred after the regime changes in the two countries humanitarian disasters?”

Read The Rest Of The Article Here


Living outside of the US and watching NBC Nightly News last night, something struck me.  American media is no longer free. I know the media is controlled by corporate interest, but I didn’t realize the extent of the control and the extent of the governmental control until last night.

Basically, half they show they showed dead children followed by crying Syrian men, women and children (of course in some refugee camp) all to a single person saying something to the tune of “America the Great, please help us, you are our only chance for freedom, please defeat Assad, he is killing us, blah, blah, blah”.

What I couldn’t figure out is why there were not able to find one Syrian, not a single Syrian who hates America and/or doesn’t want American intervention.  Wasn’t it just a few years ago there were hundreds of thousands of Syrians in the streets burning American flags and chanting “Death to America”.  And they couldn’t find one Syrian who hates America?  Am I missing something here or did decades of hate turn to love overnight.

You know what this is called? PROPAGANDA.  I grew up in the Soviet Union and I know bullshit when I see it.

Has anyone stopped to ask some questions here.  For example, everyone keeps screaming about ample evidence that Syrian Government was responsible for the gas attack. Apparently there are intercepted phone calls,  direct orders, physical evidence, etc…. Okay, fair enough.  Don’t tell me. Show me. Oh, that’s right, it’s against national security interest to share that information with the American people.

Same song, different day and a different country.  I am sadden by this and what is happening in America.  Another war, another country destroyed, thousands killed. Oh, by the way, here is Senator McCain playing poker  during the Senate hearing in regards to Syria, all while being the number one proponent of going into war. Class act, if you ask me.



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