The Shocking Truth Behind Predicting Nuclear World War 3 (Book, Intro, Part 4)

predicting the future investwithalex

Continuation of Part 3…..After a decade long research into the subject matter, let me firmly state that everything that was said in the article above is 100% true. Once the stock market structure is understood in its entirety,  the market or individual stocks can be timed with great precision. Not by some arbitrary technique that cannot be replicated, but through the use of modern science and mathematics. Math doesn’t lie and when the market turns/reverses at exact mathematical points of force,  only one explanation remains. The market is not a randomly volatile instrument, but a mathematically precise tool that baffles the mind.

What does that have to do with predicting the future?……. Everything.

Again, if one can predict the future movements of stocks, one should also able to use the same mathematical knowledge to predict the future of our everyday lives. As above, so is below. In other words, the same TIME cycles that apply to the stock market can be applied towards predicting everything else. Everything from major disasters to major events in our own lives, from major political changes to wars.  Once you understand that, predicting the future becomes a whole lot easier.

Now, I know what you are thinking.  The future is impossible to predict, we do not live in a “predetermined” world and the very notion of living in such a “pre-programmed” world is ludicrous…..everyone know that.  Well, do they? Do I really have to remind you that just 500 years ago 99.9% of the Earth’s population believed that  A. The Earth was flat and B. The Earth was the center of the Universe. And if you were to suggest otherwise you would be called a heretic and grilled at the stake.

Point being, when it comes to understanding the world we live and/or the multi-dimensional architecture behind our 3-Dimensional reality, the human race has not even started its ascend. We act as children in a pitch black room, groping everything and understanding nothing. And instead of arguing this point further I will leave you with a quote from someone who has a little bit more credibility and a lot more intelligence. Someone who is basically telling you the same thing.

God Does Not Play Dice
-Albert Einstein

When it comes to predicting Nuclear World War 3 the book will look at the subject matter in the following order.

  1. The Study Of Time Cycles & Predicting The Future:  We will look at a number of real life examples and I will prove to you, without a shadow of a doubt, that the TIME cycles I talk about are real. We will also take a look at how they work and what the future holds.
  2. When Will The War Start: We will study the WAR TIME CYCLE in great detail. We will also look at the exact time window associated with the start of the WW-3 and the meaning behind it.
  3. Why Will The War Start & Why Will It Be A Nuclear War:  We will look at the number of today’s geopolitical issues in order to determine who will fight the war, why it is unavoidable and why it will be a Nuclear war.
  4. How Will The War Start:  We will look at a number of possible scenarios.
  5. What You Can Do Now To Protect/Save Your Family & Yourself:  As a bonus section we will look at what you can do over the next decade to protect/save your family and yourself.

Buckle up, it’s going to be a fascinating journey.

To Be Continued……(Why Are You Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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5 Replies to “The Shocking Truth Behind Predicting Nuclear World War 3 (Book, Intro, Part 4)”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to write this article. How do you respond to “Don’t tell God what to do.” This was a quote from Einstein’s famous rival Niels Bohrs. It was proven via quantum physics that Bohrs was actually correct. Would you still say that life is pre-deteremined?

    I’m just confused here. Would you mind clarifying it?

    1. Hi Simon. Great question. I can write an entire book on this complex subject, but I am afraid very few people will read it. I am very much aware of Bohrs work. Both are right. Without going into a detailed explanation, here is the primary difference.

      The future is cyclical. It will repeat and therefore it is predetermined. However, we, as human beings, have the free will to change it. With that said, to change the future humans must be self aware, otherwise they function on autopilot and go with the flow. As per quantum physics by observing electrons you can change their behavior. That is the primary difference. Most human beings are unaware (not observing) and therefore cannot force change. I hope this helps and makes sense. Thanks

      1. Thanks for the reply. I’d be one of the few to read it. Topics like this fascinate me. Brilliant answer it makes sense now. What would you suggest to people who want to become more aware? I’m aware that being self aware has profound effects on your brain including ability to control your emotions, self disciplining etc

        Is there any way for a person to break from auto pilot?

        Thanks for your time.

        1. Hi Simon, thanks. You have perfect timing my friend. I will be publishing a book on this very subject next week. While it will be tilted towards a commercial side of it (to generate sales) it will answer this exact question. There will be a way to get for free. Please check back next week as I will announce it on the main site. Probably on Tuesday or Thursday.

          1. Thanks for the reply. I’ll be looking forward to getting a copy of the book either by purchase or through some other means.

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