Putin To Obama: Next Time Take The Bus To The Space Station

As sanction and Cold War 2 continue to escalate I don’ believe we are that far off from the point where Vladimir Putin actually tells President Obama to take a hike and to take a bus to the space station next time. Now, that would be sanctions.   

If you are not aware, the US Government and NASA now pay the Russians to take Astronauts to the space station and back. Since 2011 and with no plans to relaunch its space program. Trust me, this is much more important than some fu#$ing Crimea. What was once a great space exploring nation is now paying our “enemies” to get us into space. It’s a sad state of affairs when instead of science and exploration we choose war.  

NASA Budget: $16 Billion.
PENTAGON Budget: $682 Billion.     

Enough said. “Put your sword back into its place, for all those who take the sword will die by the sword” – Some dude named Jesus.  

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Putin To Obama: Next Time Take The Bus To The Space Station Google