NATO Mercenaries Are Fighting In Ukraine & The Game Of Nuclear Chicken

In cartoon: Ukraine in crisis

I continue to write about Russia and the situation in Ukraine because I believe it is the most important macro economic development in at least 200 years. Not only will this impact the US stock market in a negative way, it might change all of our lives forever. In fact, it might very well  be that when the history books are written 50 years from now, this issue might be viewed as the most significant in human history. In the very same fashion the treaty of versailles is viewed today.

I assure you, the intelligence level of today’s politicians did not improve one iota from the idiots who started World War I and then created perfect conditions for World War II.

Do you want the real story of what is happening in Ukraine? I highly recommend the following article by MISH Email From US Special Forces Veteran; 500 US Blackwater Mercenaries in Ukraine? US Backs Ukrainian Neo-Nazis  He did a wonderful job putting things together.

In addition, consider the following news flow……

Did you catch the first article? Things are now getting very serious. Russia feels under attack and the US/EU/NATO are now playing a dangerous game of Nuclear Chicken. A game that I am afraid all of us will have to pay for. Sooner or later.


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