How To Use Sex To Predict The Stock Market With 100% Accuracy

Better Representation Of The Stock Market
Better Representation Of The Stock Market

Continuation of The Secret Behind How The Stock Market Works

Let me repeat that one more time.  TIME or TIMING is the most important element when it comes to stock market investing.

So much so that once you understand that fact and once you have a better understanding of how the stock market works you will be perplexed as to why most people and analyst on Wall Street completely ignore the TIME part of the equation.  Going even further I will make two controversial statements that I will prove in this section of the book without a shadow of the doubt.

1. The stock market and/or individual stocks are not random.

Not at all.  Quite the opposite, they are exact. The stock market moves in 3 dimensional space between mathematical points of force while tracing out an exact structure. In more simple terms, the stock market or individual stocks are moving exactly as they should and with mathematical precision.

2. The stock market and/or individual stocks can be predicted into the future  with great accuracy.

Since the stock market moves with mathematical precision while tracing out points of force, once the overall structure is fully understood, exact calculations could be made in order to predict the stock market or individual stocks. Well into the future and on multiple time frames.  From hourly moves to moves spanning centuries. 

God does not play dice with the universe, —Albert Einstein

The quote above is right on the money.  It means that nothing in nature is random.  As Einstein himself said on numerous occasions, the only randomness out there is things we do not yet understand. I tend to agree.  As such, the only reason we believe the stock market is random is because we do not yet understand its exact mathematical composition. To understand why, we must first look at nature, how things work and how all of it applies to the stock market. Let me give you two examples.

First, let’s take a look at the human being at the moment of inception. Not birth, but fertilization. When the genetic material of the sperm and the egg is combined to create a new cell that will rapidly start dividing. I want you to think about that single cell for a second. When genetic material is combined, in that split second an exact forecast could be made about what kind of a human being will be born. If we had the technology,  in that split second we would know all possible information about that person.

For instance, we would know if it would be a boy or a girl. We would know the eye color, height, hair type and color, exact length of fingers and toes, blood type, predisposition to certain diseases, psychological predisposition, character traits, etc…   We would also be able to know exactly what that human will look like at the age of 5, 25, 50, 80, etc…  In addition, we would be able to make a pretty good guess about when that organism will die. All of that at the point of conception and all based on the DNA sequence/genetic composition alone. All of that information is available at the point of conception if we had the technology to decipher it. Maybe one day.

Certainly,  the environmental factors such as accidental death, living conditions, etc… will have an impact on the human being in question, but not as much as you think.  You are probably scratching your head now wondering what any of this has to do with the stock market.  Well, most of us look at human life as random and unpredictable, yet, an exact forecast could be made about your human composition at the moment of conception. Same with the stock market……  To be continued

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How To Use Sex To Predict The Stock Market With 100% Accuracy