Final Thoughts On The Upcoming War

war is for idiots

Continuation from yesterday……..STEP #6: Find Something To Do:

As you wait out the war, in isolation with your family if you are smart, you will need something to do.  Pick a number of long-term projects that will sustain your interest for many years. Learn a new language, write a few books or learn how to play a musical instrument.  I would highly recommend meditation in an attempt to jump to the next dimension of human consciousness. While it will take quite some time, something that you will have plenty of, it is the only thing that is truly worth doing in your lifetime.

STEP #7: Come Back and Help Rebuild The Human Race:

As you monitor developments in the outside world, return when the time is right. My cyclical work suggests that things will begin to return to normal around 2045-2050. As the dust settles, find a good place where you would like to live and return to civilization. Be gentle and never speak of how you have been able to avoid the war. Most of the people would have gone through unimaginable hardships by that time and you wouldn’t want them to resent you. Use your Gold and Silver to rebuild your civilized life and to help others. In whatever way that you can.  This period will represent a new beginning for the entire human race. Try to make it a good one.

Sample Plan……My Plan:

Personally, I don’t like the cold (Canada) nor would I want to live in the middle of nowhere (Australia). You will find me (well, hopefully you won’t) on one of the small islands somewhere in the South Pacific. Living in a small house with my family and those close to me. Far from any population center and as far from the war as you could possibly get. Far from nuclear explosions and radioactive fallouts.  Far from the pain and suffering that most of the humanity will have to go through.

I will enjoy a simple life of eating bananas, drinking coconut milk, fishing and lying on the beach. Exercise, meditation, writing books, educating local tribes and running. Perhaps I will finally have enough time to learn how to play a piano.  While most will view this period as one of the most destructive in the history of humanity, I view it as an opportunity for reflection and immense growth. When the war ends and the time is right, I shall return and help rebuild.

Is It Possible To Stop or Prevent This War?

NO. Unfortunately, that is not how the universal architecture nor the wheel of time work. The war will develop exactly as predicted in this book.  Yes, it is possible to avoid the war, but for that to happen human race must be fully awake, aware and conscious.  In other words, human beings must operate at the same level of consciousness that Buddha was….that Jesus was, etc…. Unfortunately, 99.999999% of the Earth population lives in deep unconsciousness.  Interested only in greed, cheap pleasures, trivial Earthy pursuits, etc…. This war must happen. It is unavoidable and it will act a huge wakeup call that we need to change our approach to life.

What If I Want to Fight For My Country and/or For My Way Of Life?

You are a fool. There are no countries, there are no races, there are no colors and there are no enemies. There is only one human race and only one universal consciousness. Borders and hate are drawn by fools for even bigger fools. I beg you, step aside and let the wicked and the fools kill each other in the name of ignorance. Step aside and prosper. Fight and die. The choice is always yours.

Good luck everyone.  (This book should become available over the next 30 days)

Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Website? 


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