Civil War 2.0 – Made In America By The MSM

Bear with me for a second as we go back 20 years to much simpler times.

Yes, the beautiful 1997. Bill Clinton was getting BJs in the oval office, you were probably buying and there was no immediate threat of a nuclear war.

Now, imagine for a second that I told you that 20 years later, in 2017, Americans would be literally killing each other over Civil War monuments and a movie.”Gone With the Wind”. Polarizing the society to such an extent that quite a few prominent people are seriously bringing up the possibility of a new American Civil War.

One thing is certain, if I shared the above with anyone, I would have been laughed out of the building. Yet, that is the reality we live in today.

What has happened? 

The MSM in America has manufactured ‘fake’ discontent and violence against all Americans. Here is another perfect example….

Mainstream Media Manufactures ‘Scandal’ Over Nonexistent Trump Moscow Hotel

A new Washington Post story has revealed US President Donald Trump’s efforts to build a hotel in Moscow in 2015, as the Post continues its campaign to prove a connection between Trump and the Russian leadership.

The conclusion is rather sobering. Most MSM shills should be treated as treasonous enemy combatants who have killed the very fabric of Americana.  This classification will become very significant as things unfold over the next 10-15 years.