Carl Icahn Releases A Video Everyone Must Watch

I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely fed up with the US Government and Media. It is nice to see someone of Carl Icahn’s statue to come out and put them on the spot. Directly. And wait till you hear what he has to say about our financial markets.

“God knows where this is going. It’s very dangerous and could be disastrous. It’s like a movie theater and somebody yells fire. There is only one little exit door. The exit door is fine when things are OK, but when they yell fire, they can’t get through the exit door…and there’s nobody to buy those junk bonds. Stocks are way overpriced.

I found myself agreeing with 95% of what he had to say and I command him for coming out and speaking his mind. If you participate in financial markets and/or care about what happens in the US, the video below is a MUST watch.


Carl Icahn Releases A Video That Everyone Must Watch Google