Business Idea Generation Tips


Continuation from last week…….STEP #9: Write Down At Least 10 Ideas Per Day While Cross-Referencing Them.

Finally, it is incredibly important that you write down all of the ideas that you were able to generate throughout the day. At least 10. Good or bad. Get a small notepad specifically for this purpose and DO NOT skip this step. Ideas that might seem irrelevant today might turn into something big a few months down the road. If you are to skip this step it is highly probable that today’s ideas will be forgotten forever and all of your hard work will be in vain. Write them down, even if they suck.

There are tens of thousands of multimillion dollar businesses out there that started our as horrible ideas.  If you would like to sell “Bacon Flavored Ice Cream to Dogs”, but think it’s a terrible idea….don’t be so fast to dismiss it. Write it down. Maybe it is a terrible idea, but maybe it is your multimillion dollar business. Until you do a little bit more research into the space, you won’t be able to answer that question.  Either way, make sure you write it down.

As was suggested earlier, your ideas will get better as you keep practicing this craft daily. Plus, you will gain an uncanny ability to go back and forth between your new and old ideas. Creating some amazing combinations in the process. Similar to what the Idea Matrix process above was  able to accomplish.  With one primary difference. This time you will be working with your own original ideas that are tailored specifically to your interests and desires.


Thus far, we have looked at 9 different approaches you can implement today in order to start generating amazing business ideas.  Further, we have covered the fact that idea generation is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. Assuming that time and effort are dedicated to the process.

Given enough daily practice anyone can become an expert in idea generation over a relatively short period of time. That, of course, can mean all the difference between starting a $100,000/year and $100 Million/year business.  If you have no idea which business to start, begin implementing all of the steps above immediately.

My Own Example:

The daily routine I implement when I am actively pursuing various business or investment ideas is as follows.

First, here is what I need.

  • 30 minutes. Daily.
  • A notepad.
  • A pen.
  • An idea matrix.
  • Ability to disconnect from everything.
  • A quiet coffee shop or a dinner (optional)

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?)


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