Putin Destroys McCain. Calls Out America

Imagine President Obama doing a 4 hour live interview in order to answer real questions from real citizens. Instead of yapping about the NCAA basketball and discussing gay cake issues. I would pay to see that. That is exactly what President Putin just did in Russia.

Putin’s 2015 Q&A marathon LIVE UPDATES

Not only did he call out Senator McCain for what he really is, a bloodthirsty and crazy warmonger, he very artfully dismantled the American political propaganda machine. Not that Russia is any better, but it is important to understand why Russia and the US/NATO will eventually go to war (Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why) Watch the video below to see Putin call McCain crazy after McCain publicly threatened Putin’s life. It’s Priceless. 


Putin Destroys McCain. Calls Out America Google

John McCain: “We Are All Ukrainians”

As he was about to board his plane to Ukraine Senator John McCain proclaimed “We Are All Ukrainians”.  Umm…. thanks, but no thanks. Can Ukraine keep him? Please 😀  In related news, while president Obama’s rating is hitting a new at 41%, Putin’s approval rating soared to a 3 year high of 72% as Interfax notes “we now have a complex society that supports the president, primarily because of his stance on Ukraine.”

Did  anyone in the Western Media stop and think that they might have gotten the story wrong or will they continue this BS American propaganda that might lead to an actual  war? 

Unfortunately, I think everyone knows the answer to that. 

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John McCain: “We Are All Ukrainians” Google