Warning: This Article Will Blow Your Mind. 17 Year Cycles Within Human Life. Why Human Life Takes The Same Trajectory As The Stock Market.


Warning: The information presented here is a small subset of information available from my research in this area.  A small summary, a generalization. While a lot more research needs to happen, the author is disinterested in studying human life.  Instead, it is a lot more profitable and fun to study the stock market, an environment where the same forces manifest themselves.  Yet, the author guarantees one thing. By the time you finish this article your mind will literally be blown.


I have been fascinated with the stock market, future, prophecy, cycles, various ancient cultures and mysticism ever since I can remember. Over the last decade or so I have spent the majority of my time studying financial markets and how they work. What I have discovered thus far is truly incredible.

While most people believe the stock market is volatile, random and unpredictable, it is not. On the contrary, the stock market is exact and predictable once you understand how it truly works.  While doing this research into the stock market one thing struck me.  

I have noticed that the stock market bull/bear cycles match my life almost perfectly.  My life (personal and financial) seems to oscillate, surge higher, collapses, expand and generally behave in the same fashion the stock market does.  Once I ran some calculations, I was shocked.

I will get back to that in the second, but first let me explain how human life truly works behind the scenes. The knowledge comes from both the stock market research and my own level of spiritual enlightenment.

First, let’s start with a simple notion. Everything (all matter) in our sphere of existence is 3-dimensional and made out of energy. That energy vibrates and it is this rate of vibration (or oscillation) that splits all matter into different compounds, elements,  etc…. Again, the source is one, energy. We are all unified. It is the rate of vibration that determines output.  If you are not sure about this, please confirm the same with your own research.  

The stock market as well as individual stocks have their own rate of vibration. That rate of vibration is set at the time of inception. In case of individual stocks, at the time of their IPO. As stocks continue to trade, years and decades into the future, their rate of vibration simply repeats itself.  They grow, decline, surge, collapse and even die (merge/bankruptcy/delisting) based on their rate of vibration.

Same thing applies to human beings.  Your rate of vibration is determined at your exact moment of birth. To the second. The more precise the time, the more accurate your individual forecasts can be.  In fact, once you penetrate this knowledge and fully understand what is going on behind the scenes, you can predict your time of death to the day.  You physical body/life will terminate at its precise point. There are no accidents. You will die exactly when you are supposed to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it. That is how sages like Jesus, Nostradamus, Casey and many other  were able to predict their exact time of death ….before it had happened.

Now, in addition to your own personal cycles, there are, as I call them “Mass Cycles” which represent society as a whole. Their order of magnitude is somewhat higher than individual cycles and at times they have an immense impact on large portions of Earth’s population. These cycles include things like disease and wars. I am already making this too complicated so let’s get back to the stock market.

I have already talked about a few major stock market cycles. One of them is a 17/18 year alternating bull and bear market cycle. They are always there and they alternate. In fact, you will find them if you go all the way back to the inception of the stock market in the US in 1790.

Basically, this same 17/18 year cycle guides the growth/decline within your own human life.  Please allow me to illustrate.

Human Life Cycle

Year 0-17. Bull Market In One’s Life: I call this period unconscious growth and happiness/bliss through ignorance. This is a period of time where human beings go through immense growth. Learning to talk, walk, write, think, lie, etc…. We also learn about our environment and what it is like to be human. Generally, it is a happy and a carefree time for all of us. Our parents take care of all of our basic needs (food, shelter, etc) while we grow and become adults. This bull market or cycle of growth coincides and terminates with high school graduation and/or arrival at your own sexual peak.  

Year 17-34. Bear Market In One’s Life:  This period of time is defined as period of hardship and discovery. Very few people (even in college) know exactly what they would like to do. Most people float around trying to figure out what they want out of life. Further, financial support provided by the parents is typically withdrawn.  Making things infinitely more difficult. Very few can land a good paying jobs or save enough money. This period is often filled with huge disappointments, catastrophic events and challenges. Worst of them happen between the age of 24-26 (they represent mid cycle bottoms…similar to 2007-09 collapse in the stock market). This period typically covers the first divorce. While it might seem like you are growing, generally this is not a very good period.  For most people, life is very difficult during this time. 

Year 34-51 Bull Market:  Things begin to change. You have likely figured out your career path and you begin to accelerate your growth trajectory. You are starting to figure things out and your financial compensation begins to grow. Sometimes significantly.  Both your personal and financial life are coming together.  Generally this is a period of immense growth and prosperity.

Year 51 – 68 Bear Market:  AKA midlife crisis. As you reach this half point you look back and begin to question your life. As you mature, things you have done in the past, the life you have built, the things you have accomplished, the children you have raised and the businesses you have build seem pointless. Your old believe system begins to break down as you begin to search for meaning.  This is a period of time where a lot of changes occurs. Second careers, seeking happiness, second divorces, etc… tend to happen. This is a very difficult time with lots of ups and downs. One should be very careful between the age of 57-61. This is the period of time where the worst of it is likely to happen. 

Year 68 – 85 Bull Market:   People tend to let go and/or retire during this stage to “enjoy” their life. Most realize that they have already achieved what they could and as a result, no longer driven.  They tend to let go which brings bliss into their lives. People tend to sit back, relax and enjoy their time with families. This period brings relaxation, contempt, satisfaction, family life and happiness to the forefront.

Year 85 -102 Bear Market.   If you are lucky enough to make it thus far you body will really start to break down within this cycle. Leading to pain, suffering and general discomfort. In many cases you will be unable to take care of yourself and require assistance.  Most people who make it into this time frame will die within this 17 year cycle.

Now, understand, this cycle is the primary cycle. It is based on the time of your birth. For some people it might work perfectly, while for others the cycle might invert.  While for most people this 17 year cycle will start at the time of their birth, for some it might start at the age of 5 or 7 or 10. You just have to adjust the above to the structure of your own life in order to understand where you are in the cyclical composition. Unfortunately, I can’t do that for you.

How well does it work? Let me give you my personal life example and connect it to the stock market to show you how beautifully it works.

I was born in 1979, the stock market bull market started in 1982 and ended in 2000. A 3 year offset.

Inflation or Deflation InvestWithAlex

My Bull Market:  1979-1997 (18 years)

Again, this is the period of blissful ignorance. Even though I grew up in Russia, I had a great childhood. Bull markets typically end with a 5 year blow off top cycle. For me, this blow off top came when I first moved to the United States at the age of 15 in 1995. This was a definite improvement versus my life in Russia and the pinnacle of my bull market that ended shortly thereafter when I graduated from high school in May of 1997. Exactly 18 years (to the day) after I was born.

My Bear Market:  1997-2014 (17 Years). 

(While some bear markets flat line during this time (period of no growth) other bear markets exhibit fast declines and massive bear market rallies. I will now match the bear market of 2000-2017 to my own life. Please remember, there is a 3 year offset. )

1997-2001 University.  Nothing drastic happened during this time. Just a lot of school work and work in general. (Stock market 2000-2004 while it ended flat over the 4 year period of time, there was a significant drop into the 2002 bottom).

2001-2005 Started my business.  Huge bear market rally in my life. I have built my own hedge fund and made a lot of money. I became a multi-millionaire. (Stock market rallied between 2004 and late 2007/08. A huge bull market rally within the secular bear market)

2005-06 Disaster strikes. I have lost everything I have worked for. (Stock market collapse 2008-09.

2006-2011: Massive bull market rally. Everything I touched turned to gold. I started a business and quickly grew it into a $5 Million company. (Bull market rally of 2009-2014).

2011-2013: Nothing works. A definite bear market leg. Got divorced as soon as the bear market leg started. Worked my ass off, but everything I touched turned to absolute shit. I have never experienced this before.  (Upcoming bear leg in the stock market 2014-2017 as per my mathematical forecasts presented on the site).

2014-2031: My bull market has already started. The stock market will bottom in 2017 and will start its bull market thereafter.

I hope the example above clearly illustrates how accurate this analysis can be.

Again, your personal rate of vibration might be offset by X number of years or even inverted. Please think about your life and try to apply these 17/18 year cycles towards it. Once you have figure out the spacing, I guarantee, you will be amazed how well it works within your own life.  Plus, you will know exactly where you are in the cycle and what course of action you should take going forward.

Yet, the repercussions of this approach go even deeper. If nature, the stock market and human life is not random, but exact…..what does it mean?  Do we have free will?

Whether or not we have free will is outside the scope of this discussion, however, I will put it this way. The Universe and its dimensional architecture is beyond incredible. Once it is fully understood all randomness disappears.  Everything around us (our life, the stock market, future, etc..) is exactly as they should be.  So, put a smile on your face and enjoy life.   

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