Little Known Way To Profit From The US Government Default Scare

BusinessWeek Writes: Go To Cash

idiot in government investiwthalex

I speculate there can’t be a better time to sell than now.

We are linked in our shattered hopes and dreams of wealth creation, the emotional baggage of sequential and frequent black swans.

I further speculate there can’t be a better time to sell than now.

Boehner is not speaking with Obama, who is not speaking to McConnell, who is not speaking to Reid, and around we go. None of them are speaking to Hillary.

I speculate that this moment is surreal and deeply disturbing.

Read The Rest Of The Article Here

As the article above shows, people are starting to freak out about the whole Government Default thing.  It is clear by now that most of our politicians are somehow retarded (no offense to the mentally challenged community) and we just have to live with it now.

Even the stock market and the bond market are starting to show the signs of worry. Should you worry as well?

As I have mentioned in a few previous posts, I don’t believe so.  Even thought our politicians are irresponsible, I don’t think they are irresponsible enough to plunge the country into abyss of economic chaos. I guarantee you there is a lot of movement behind the scenes that I believe will put this issue behind us at any moment now.  Further, I believe the existing setup gives speculators a perfect opportunity to profit. Here is how.

As I have mentioned before, the stock market has opened up a lot of gaps on the way down from the previous top. Before any sustained bear market move can take place, the market must go back up in order to close them.  That should put us into a mid 15,500 range or about an 800 point move from where we are today.

Further, I believe the resolution of the Debt Crisis  would be a clear catalyst for such a move.  As such, traders should be setting themselves up for an upswing to benefit from an eventual resolution of an existing crisis. Who said I was always a bear?

*** Don’t Forget To Do Your Own Research Before You Follow This Advice. 

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