The Most Important Issue In The World Today

Forget gay marriage, Greece, ISIS, the FED and today’s stock market overvaluation. It is nothing but a sideshow to a circus that doesn’t matter. Over the weekend HBO’s VICE has identified, as they called it, the most important/dangerous issue the world faces today. The same issue I have been discussing here for 1.5 years.

What is it?

Relentless drive towards war with Russia and China. Let me tell you something, none of the above matters if there is a giant crater where your city used to be. Here is the latestĀ U.S. compares China’s South China Sea moves to Russia’s in Ukraine. In short, things continue to develop exactly as I have predicted in my reportĀ Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why

Here is the preview of the documentary VICE did. If you have HBO you can watch at any time. If not, just search for “HBO Vice Cold War 2.0” on YouTube.


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