The Secret Behind Why The “Time Is Right” To Get Filthy Rich

hedge fund investwithalexContinuation from yesterday…..

Reason #3:  An Ocean Of Money Is Available For The Taking

  • Annual GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the USA: $16 Trillion
  • Annual Worldwide GDP:  $72 Trillion (Estimated)

Just think about the numbers above.  The worldwide GDP offers all of us $72 Trillion for the taking. With $16 Trillion in the USA alone. If you are able to start a business and put your fingers on just a fraction of the tenth of one percent of that money, you will be making billions of dollars.  Simply put, there is an avalanche of money out there.  All you have to do is go get a big enough bucket and start filling it with money. Lots of money.

Reason #4:  Millions Of Opportunities To Become Wealthy.

The markets have never been so open. There are literally millions of different ways to get wealthy. From new technologies to restaurants, from improving old processes to foreign markets. Opportunities are beyond abound. No matter what industry or field of work you specialize in, chances are, there are plenty of opportunities to get wealthy in every single one of them.

Reason #5:  No Risk In Trying

What is the worst thing that might happen if you start a business and try to get wealthy?

Well, you can fail and file for bankruptcy.  That’s about as bad as it is going to get. Certainly you will have financial issues and other predicaments associated with your business failure, but you will still be alive. You will be well enough to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward.  It is a very well known fact that some of the most successful people in the world have gone through a number of failures only to have a spectacular success later on.  Pick up almost any biography and you will find it there.  As a result, the only real risk is in NOT trying.

Reason #6:  Support & Know How

It is no longer necessary to get an MBA in order to start a business and/or to get wealthy.  With proliferation of the Internet everyone has access to the same information. What used to take a few weeks can now be done within a few hours.  Plus, there are a number of companies offering personalized support, education and coaching when it comes to starting your own business.  The bottom line is, there are no barriers of entry and if you do need extra support, well, it is available as well.

Reason #7: Worldwide Markets Are Now Open For Business

You no longer have to be tied to your local markets.  There is no doubt that the Internet makes your online business automatically international, but it is much more than that.  For instance, you can always take a physical business that works very well in the USA and open the same type of a business in China. While not a guarantee recipe for a success, it illustrates just how easily the international arbitrage can now be done. For the most part, the world should be viewed as an opportunity playground. A place where you can get wealthy just about anywhere you wish.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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