Shocking: These Tech Advancements Over The Next 20 Years Will Blow Your Mind


I have always been fascinated with future, hence my life’s commitment and obsession with using advanced sciences to predict financial markets. In a similar fashion, futurist Kevin Kelly sees an amazing future The Next 20 Years Are Going To Make The Last 20 Look Like We Accomplished Nothing In Tech. Here is quick summary. 

  • Artificial Intelligence Will Advance Immensely.
  • Robots Will Do All The Work.
  • Big Data Will Be Even Bigger.
  • Humans Will Make A Quantum Jump In Intelligence.

So, in a nutshell, people will be free to watch Jerry Springer all day while robots do all the work (so much for that quantum jump). Plus, you will be able to print a hot Pizza with 17 toppings on a 3-D printer/microwave as the NSA spies on your heart rate in real time. Sounds good to me!!!

Now, before you get to excited about the next 20 years you must understand something very important. Nothing in nature moves in a linear fashion. Meaning, what we have experienced over the last 500 years and over the last 100 years in particular (straight line advancement) is something of a singularity.

It rarely happens and the human race is overdue for a “market correction”. While I truly hope the things above come to a fruition, my long-term stock market work predicts that there will be nothing left standing in 20 years. Just as outlined in this report. Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why 


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