Why Russia Believes The US Is Preparing For An Immediate War – Possibly Thermonuclear

If you are semi-aware of what is going on in the world you are familiar with the fact that Mr. Kim has been pocking Mr. Trump in the eye with his never ending and annoying missile launches. And doing so fairly successfully I might add.

“All options are on the table” is the lackluster response President Trump has been able to muster up thus far. The MSM believes in one of two things. First, any war with North Korea in unlikely. Second, in an unlikely case of a war, Seal Team 6 will liberate North Korea in about 30 minutes.

Our Russian counterparts hold a completely different view. Something worth listening to. In nothing else to protect your stock market profits.

‘Americans Preparing for War’: Why US Testing B61-12 Nuclear Bomb 

The recent flight tests of an upgraded nuclear bomb in the Nevada desert mean that the United States is preparing for war, military analyst Oleg Glazunov told Sputnik.

Just a few minutes ago I posted the following link Top Forecaster Predicts War With North Korea By September 12th

My analysis is as follows: 

There will be a devastating conflict with North Korea over the next two months. And yes, there is a real possibility that this conflict will go nuclear. If so, millions will die in Seoul, South Korea alone. As crazy as that may sound today.

Most importantly, there will be no advance warning. President Trump has said just about as much. In other words, by the time you wake up in the morning, half of Asia and possibly the West Coast might be dealing with radioactive fallout.

I wonder what that would do to the stock market futures. BTFD???

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