Is The Black Swan Of Wars Event Coming Soon?

black swan event investwithalex

Those who really know me are puzzled by my nuclear WW 3 prediction I first published last year. Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why (Full Report)

I often hear something to the tune of “Alex, you are the most positive, optimistic and high energy guy we know, why are you bringing up this depressing nonsense. This war will never occur….have you lost your mind?”

Well, the prediction above has nothing to do with how I personally feel and has everything to do with what my advanced mathematical and timing work shows. Perhaps Nassim Taleb can illustrate the same concept from a different angle.

Nassim Taleb: World is NOT more peaceful

Mr. Taleb hits the nail on the head. If most people believe we are living in a more peaceful time where a large scale nuclear war is impossible, well, they are living in a fantasy land. If anything, the risk for such a war has gone up exponentially. All it takes at this time is one idiot in either Washington, Moscow or Beijing.  Unfortunately for all us, such species tend to congregate at those locations.


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