How Your Consciousness Can Control Your Reality


Continuation from last week……..That is the key. If Julia knew how STRESS really worked she would be able to separate from her thoughts and observer them as an outsider looking in. As if she was watching a move.  She would know that her thoughts are NOT her. She would know that for the most part her thoughts are being randomly generated by her mind in an involuntary fashion.  She would also know that she has the capacity to stop these thoughts. More importantly, she would be aware of the negative spirals associated with such thinking and what to do to stop them in their tracks.  Immediately shifting her state of being from a state of STRESS to the state of happiness, joy and indifference.


This chapter contained a number of incredibly important concepts that we must review before moving on. A clear comprehension of the concepts above will make all the difference in helping you transform STRESS energy into a powerful force that you can then use for other endeavors.

We Are NOT Our Bodies, Minds, Thoughts, Feelings or Emotions:

An important question was asked. “Who are we?” The book displayed evidence that while we are closely associated with our bodies, minds, thoughts, feelings and emotions, we are not physical matter.  The exercise above clearly showed that if are able to observe our own minds and our own thoughts, a third point of reference must be present. Otherwise, any observation would be impossible. That third point of reference is our human consciousness.

Human Consciousness and Having the Ability to Separate From Physical Reality:

It was demonstrated that our consciousness has the ability to be an observer. *Again, if you were not able to become an observer of your own thoughts I highly encourage you to repeat the exercise until you are successful. The ability to observe your own thoughts will give you the understanding that you seek. Further, this separation gives us a deep understanding of what human consciousness is and how the body/mind processes work behind the scenes.

How STRESS Really Works:

We have looked at stress through a number of examples where it was shown that STRESS is triggered by various thought patterns within our own minds. Such thought chains then go on to create negative spirals within our physical and emotional bodies. Causing variant degrees of STRESS as a result.

Ability to Control It:

Finally, it was shown that when we shift into the state of higher consciousness and become observers of our own STRESS energy, we gain the ability to control it. Not only to control it, but to transform it into yet another form of a positive energy.

In the next chapter we will look at the tools necessary not only to control STRESS, but to completely separate from it.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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